(205) 721-9893
Your Questions Answered
Is counseling confidential?
Yes. Strive Counseling Services, L.L.C. is HIPPA compliant. We will not disclose any information about you, without your written consent. There are some exceptions to this disclosure of confidentiality, which are detailed in our privacy and social media policies.
What form of payments and insurance does Strive Counseling Services, L.L.C. accept?
We currently accept Cash, Checks, American Express, Discover, Mastercard, HSA card and Visa.
Accepting BlueCross Blue Shield of Alabama (EPS), Health Advocate, Anthem, New Directions, Magellan Behavioral Healthcare, Behavioral Health Systems, ALL Kids, MINE, TRICARE, New Directions Telemedicine, Cigna, Cigna EAP, and American Behavioral Coverage. Strive will verify your coverage.
Why should I seek counseling?
Counseling is a safe environment to discuss problems you are experiencing. You can learn healthy coping skills, conflict resolution skills and practice cognitive strategies.
There is a stigma associated with receiving mental health counseling. I am worried about seeking help.
Stigma is one of the many factors that influence individuals from seeking mental health treatment. Counseling is devalued by groups and  problems are minimized because of societal norms. You will receive objective counseling from a skilled Clinical Therapist. Counseling can serve as a self-discovery process to develop effective coping skills to manage specific life stresses.